The latest song I have heard  is David Guetta ft Nicki Minaj with the new song Turn Me On. I think the song fits with the video and another video called Turn Me On (behind the scenes) explaining how it was made and where it was recorded.

The video has some sense that Nicki is being built-in to a doll at the start of the video but at the end she is human and David is a human at the beginning but at the end he is revealed as a doll.

The video is well made and I think this is his best music video ever. At parts it is hard to understand when you first watch it but understand when viewing the behind scenes video. I understood it and generally is a great song. On YouTube the views of how many people have watched the video and  it is growing bigger every second 12,435,084 on the 07/02/12.

David Guetta has shown how good his songs are by using a trance like song, effects in some parts with electric sounds, with a clapping beat and put the singing with It. This makes it into an amazing song and music video. I think this song is fantastic because David and Nicki have made this song into a famous song and have worked together.

Turn me on – the music video

Turn me on (behind the scenes)