Rockhaq is a music journalism platform for aspiring hacks.
Join, write and win badges, points and missions.

How does it work?

pencilWrite a music review or opinion piece. It can be about any music from any point in time – there are NO restrictions. Choose a single, album, music video, sonata or tell us your opinion about something in the music industry.
Make sure your spelling and grammar are perfect before publishing. You can save your work to check later. Team Rockhaq select the best work for our featured grid, so it pays to improve your writing skills.


comment_writeInvite your mates or other Rockhaq community members to read and rate your finished work. Share your published work on your Twitter and Facebook feeds easily – let your friends know your thoughts! Popular work that generates discussion in the community stands a much better chance of winning panel-awarded Rockhaq badges and being displayed on our featured grid.


starEvery time you log on and do something, this is logged and you can win points, Rockhaq badges, member competitions and music missions. Our community member competitions award large cash prizes to the best reviewers. In the past, our music missions have included review tickets to sold-out concerts, interview opportunities, CDs to review and more.


tagopen Rockhaq is free to join. To make sure that everyone joining the Rockhaq community makes an active contribution, we limit the number of users we allow to join and you must log in once every 6 months. So, if we’re open for registrations, you’re lucky. If we’re not open for registrations then head to our Rockhaq reserves list so we can tell you when we’re open. You can also follow us on Twitter and Facebook to keep up. Good luck!